In this post we will sho how to use the command height_field, to generate a rocky crater picture using POV Ray. First of all, a data picture have to be generated using greyscale and some tricks to have 2D for the crater.
Here is the code to generate the picture map.
#version 3.7;
global_settings { assumed_gamma 2.0 hf_gray_16 }
#include ""
// piano colorato con pieghe
plane {z,10
hollow on
[0 White*0.4]
[1 White]
// Luce principale crea il cratere maggiore
light_source {0 color 1 spotlight point_at z*10
radius 7 falloff 11
// Luce fioca addolcisce i bordi esterni del cratere
light_source {0 color .25 spotlight point_at z*10
radius 2 falloff 15
// Luce stretta crea il picco centrale
light_source {0 color .3 spotlight point_at z*10
radius 0 falloff 1.3
// Luce spot negativa crea interno del cratere
light_source {0 color -0.9 spotlight point_at z*10
radius 5 falloff 9.5
// Luce negativa stretta contrasta il luce del picco centrale
light_source {0 color -.25 spotlight point_at z*10
radius 3 falloff 8
//Luce spostata crea un secondo cratere
light_source {0 color 0.5 spotlight point_at z*10 translate <1,1.5,0>
radius 0.1 falloff 5
// Luce fioca negativa spostata crea interno del secondo cratere
light_source {0 color -0.30 spotlight point_at z*10 translate <1,1.5,0>
radius 0.2 falloff 2
light_source {0 color 0.5 spotlight point_at z*10 translate <-2,-1.5,0>
radius 3 falloff 11
The picture generated by this code is below.
A second file is needed to generate the final 3D picture of the crater.
The code is below.
#version 3.7;
global_settings { assumed_gamma 1.5 }
#include ""
#include ""
camera{ location <0,14,-24>
right x*image_width/image_height
direction z*5
look_at 0
light_source{<1000,2000,-2000> White}
height_field {
"crater_dat.png" smooth
texture{ T_Stone1
normal { agate 0.25 scale 0.10 rotate<0,0,0> }
finish { phong 2 }
rotate<0,0,0> scale 1.5 translate<0,0,0>
} // end of texture
translate <-.5, 0, -.5>
scale <17, 1.75, 17>
Final picture obtained using the height_field command is this.
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