How to create a simple vortex on POV Ray, using the instruction union and difference.
// POV-Ray 3.7 Scene File "Prova4.pov"
// author: Max
// Date: 01/03/2015
#if (version < 3.7) global_settings{ assumed_gamma 1.0 } #end
#include ""
#include ""
// camera ------------------------------------------------------------------
#declare Camera_0 = camera {ultra_wide_angle angle 65 // vista frontale
location <0.0 , 3.0 ,-3.5>
right x*image_width/image_height
look_at <0.0 ,-0.5 , 0.0>}
// sole ---------------------------------------------------------------------
light_source{<1500,3000,-3000> color White}
// cielo ---------------------------------------------------------------------
plane{<0,1,0>,1 hollow no_shadow
texture{ pigment{ Bright_Blue_Sky scale 1
finish {ambient 1 diffuse 0} }
scale 10000}
// nebbia ---------------------------------------------------------------------
fog{fog_type 2
distance 20
color rgb<1,0.98,0.9>
fog_offset 0.1
fog_alt 1
turbulence 0.8}
// terreno ------------------------------------------------------------------
// dimensioni del foro:
#declare ForointernoR = 1.00;
#declare Foroscala = 1.25;
#declare ForoR = 0.75;
// piano forato:
plane{<0,1,0>, 0 }
cylinder{<0,-ForoR,0>, <0,0.001,0>,ForointernoR+ForoR scale Foroscala}
cylinder{<0, -100,0>, <0,0.001,0>,ForointernoR scale Foroscala}
} // fine della differenza
torus{ ForointernoR+ForoR, ForoR
translate<0,-ForoR,0>scale Foroscala}
normal {spiral1 20 0.25 sine_wave
turbulence 0.1 rotate<90,0,0> scale <0.25,0.5,0.25> }
finish {ambient 0.15 diffuse 0.85 reflection 0.35}}
} // fine dell'unione
//sfera sospesa
sphere { <0,-ForoR,0>, ForoR/3
texture { pigment{ color rgb<0.75, 0.75, 0.75>}
finish { phong 1.0 reflection 0.01}
scale<1,1,1> rotate<0,0,0> translate<0,0.5,0>
} // fine della sfera -----------------------------------
Here the picture obtained from the program written above.
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